Welcome to the Yuki Threads Hoodie Design comp. This is your opportunity to see your design go from the page to print, with an extremely limited run of 17 hoodies being made. The winner gets the hoodie they designed and a $300 online store voucher! Get your design work seen and get the chance to score some shweettt drip.
Entries close MIDNIGHT AUGUST 5TH.
Hoodie Design Competition
Download The Brief
The fun part! There is no theme, create whatever you think is cool. If snowboarding gets you jazzed, design something around that, if you want to tell 2020 where to go, great, if you like Unicorns and couldn’t give a rats ass about what's going on atm, design the most badass Unicorn!
The only rules: Max of 3 prints on garment. Max of 3 colours per prints. Max size of print is 250mm
Sketch Your Design
Once you have your design dialled and your thinking it looks fresh, drop it on our hoodie template to see what it looks like on an actual product.
Submit Your Design
When your happy with the final Design save it as a High Resolution CMYK PDF (or Vector). Feel free to submit as many designs as you like but please submit them as individual files with your name first and design number ie. gary01.pdf, gary02.pdf etc. Submit designs to design@yukithreads.com
T's & C’s
By entering this competition and submitting your entry via email you are agreeing to give the rights of your design to Yuki Threads Pty Ltd. The use of this design will be for print on garments and digital distribution online. These avenues may be but not limited to, our website www.yukithreads.com, instagram, facebook and email.
All submitted work to be original and created by the submitting artist.
By entering this competition you give Yuki Threads Pty Ltd the rights to share your submission online during and after the competition even if you are not the winner of the competition.