Name: Jack Lee


Where’s your home mountain?

Copper Mountain, Colorado


When did you start snowboarding? 

When I was 10


What’s your favourite trick?

 Switch method


Seasons can be a crazy time. What’s the wildest thing you’ve seen or done?

Naked backflips on a back country jump in 3 feet of freshies


If you were snowed in for a week. What three things couldn’t you live with out?

Vegemite toast, yarn and knitting needles, a warm cup of tea.


What keeps you sane in between shredding? 

Spending quality time with Wifey and Dogo


Favourite song to snowboard to? 

I don’t actually like to listen to music while I ride. I tune everything out on the way down and prefer a nice conversation on the lift. 

If you were a pizza topping, what would you be and why?

Anchovies. Sometimes it’s ok to be extra salty 

If you were to take a lap with any one in the world who would it be and where? 

Backcountry split boarding on an epic pow day with Danny Davis  


Injuries are apart of snowboarding unfortunately, what has been your worse slam?

I don’t like to talk about my slams. Been in ICU a few too many times and just hope to minimize those visits. 


Why do you ride for Yuki?

Coolest looking gear that is always pumping out sweet new styles and looks. More importantly, Yuki is a brand that creates an amazing and mindful community around the sport I love most. 


Any Advice for up and commers getting after it?

never forget that we snowboard to have fun. Getting caught up in contests or pushing to hard to progress should never be more important than going out with some friends and having as much fun as you can sliding on some snow.